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Give it a Break: How to deal with stress

As you enter the academic world, you will be exposed to different kinds of stress. Stress, mostly define as a result of combined variety pressure, tension exerted on material objects, and a negative response of the body. For a college student, stress is something that is awful. Psychologists implied that too much stress can affect the person's physical, mental, and emotional state.

What causes stress among students?


Before and during the exam, pressure and tension are present. Everything will be rushed. You must be prepared and well-reviewed.


Being a student, you have to work under pressure. You need to meet the deadlines. Students are usually pressed with heavy schedules and academic workload. One must be flexible to meet the required deadlines.

Poor time management

Time management, maybe, is too cliche for some but a very important phrase reminder that successful men used when they were still learners. Most students have poor time management habit because they wanted things to happen easily and instant.

Difficulty in organizing work

Sometimes, if there are too much load of work, you do not know how to start and how you are going to deal with it, where to start and what comes first to do especially when they happen at the same time.


Lack of financial support can cause stress. The truth is, if you do not have enough money, you cannot think normally because it adjuncts to your mind which can affect performances on school activities.

Lack of sleep

Not enough time of sleep due to the projects, assignments reports, and other student responsibilities can cause tardiness, laziness, and ineffectiveness in the class.

Break ups

Splitting with someone you love is a painful matter that can destroy the lively and active you. Based on the research, teenagers are the most emotionally affected because they are at the stage of being vulnerable and women are more likely emotional than men.

Tips for managing stress:


After a long day of being so stressed and overworked, just take a pause. Give yourself ten to fifteen minutes breathing. Visualize something that is positive and focus your attention on one thing. Give your mind some peaceful thoughts to think of.

Simplify schedule

Get a planner and start practicing time management method. You could also choose things that are beneficial to you and try to discard something that blocks you to keep moving.

Eat well

Food is another way on how to lessen the stress you are going through. According to the study, stressed people must eat green leafy vegetables that are rich in foliate, which helps the body produce mood-regulating neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine. It is also good to eat dark chocolates, blueberries, fermented foods, and more to stabilize mood and relieve tensions.


Busy day with the school paper works and don't have time to fit, just take a little bit of time for you to exercise. It increases the overall health and your sense of well-being that leads to the decreasing level of the stress. Exercise can also trigger happiness because of endorphin, a natural chemical release in the brain to fight stress and makes you feel so good.

Get enough sleep

By getting enough sleep, the mind becomes peacefully clear and free from the negative thoughts. It reduces the effects of stress because it allows the brain to recharge and the body to rest.

Get a massage

Massage relaxes your body, improves your mood, and keeps your body working. In a study shown that massage is anti-depressant on its ability to lessen feelings of depression.

Stay in love

Staying in love is a great feeling. Typically when you heard about love, the first thing that comes into your mind is your partner but not just on that. You may be in love with something that makes you happy, your family, friends, relatives, and the environment.


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