Stop the Chase: How to be a Happy Single
Why are you chasing for it?
You woke up one day and there’s no “good morning” text in your phone. You started the day without someone reminding you to grab your meal or to take care of yourself. You went through the day thinking about how it used to be and how did it end so fast without giving you a warning shot. You wanted to be fine but it’s not easy.
You’re unhappy. You’re struggling to be happy and as you struggle for happiness, flashbacks of your past with him keep coming. You wanted to let go of the memories so you can finally move on. But after moving on, what’s your plan?
People think that once you’ve moved on, things will be fine. Well, “fine” can be “better”.
How to be a happy single?
Remember that being single means a time for you.
If you feel you’re good being with your ex other half, you will definitely feel better now without him simply because being single is a good opportunity to improve some things about you.
1. Start healthy.
You can start by improving your health and fitness. This can be therapeutic. After a break up, self-confidence can be distorted. Studies show that most victims of rejected relationship can experience damage on the aspect of emotional state. They tend to question themselves if they were good enough. Go out and exercise. By doing so, you can be healthy and being into shape and wellness boosts one’s confidence and productivity.
In a study conducted by Lucy Brown, Ph.D., a professor of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, those who experience recent breakup can encounter longings for their previous relationship. Well this might lead to loss of concentration which will soon affect your way of thinking.Exercise helps you to think well. It improves your mental capacity by thinking clearer and more creative.
2. Make a move for a healthier financial status.
Have you experienced worrying much for your monthly gift or for your date expenses?
Well, being into a relationship can be so expensive but after a break up, maybe saving some money for yourself, for your plans, and for your goals can be a priority.
Be financially responsible. You can treat yourself if you want to. Buy new clothes and get your nails and hair done. This will help you increase your optimism and at the same time, gives you a clearer outlook in life.
Remember that being single mean a chance for you.
1. Grab the chance for you to improve social life.
Some people think that going out with other people or making new friends is a good escape but “escape” is not a good word for it. This is actually good. You have the chance to increase your camaraderie and at the same time strengthening your relationship with the best and most supportive people of your life.
Well, you don’t need to be romantically intimate with someone just to be happy. There are a lot of people out there who truly loves you. Appreciate them, keep them, and love them back as well.
2. Grab the chance for you to explore new discoveries.
Being single is a chance for you to spend time for yourself alone. Discover something new. Try a new hobby or explore your hidden talents and develop them. You can also try going to places that are new to you or do the things you want to do the most.
3. Grab the chance for you to live a new life.
After heartbreak, you can be a little messy. Well, being in the world of single life can help you live life properly. It’s a chance for you to plan your life and a chance to create and concentrate on your goals. This will lead you to a better version of yourself.
Break up can be destructive but it’s more difficult to be a stranger to your own self. Don’t lose yourself in the process. With courage and confidence, step out of the horror zone and grab the possibilities that await you.